Thursday, May 29, 2008

What's Going On!!!!

Well I am not going to Atlanta as of right now. I will be staying in Florida for another year. At first I was sad and hurt, because I thought that's where I was supposed to be, but the Lord has other plans for me. Another thing that has happened is now I'm going to be teaching 2nd grade. At first I was like WTF!!!! but after that second passed I was like whatever. By going to 2nd grade i dont have the pressure of teaching for a test. I have a whole year to get these kids ready for 3rd grade. Sometimes I think they say things because they want to get a riled up, and acting crazy, but a motto that i have learned to live by this year. Is that getting angry wont change the situation, in most cases. If I get upset and cry or start throwing things will i get my grade back??? Probably not, and then they will label me as crazy or extra sensitive. Dont need that Im going to focus on doing a good job in 2nd grade and then making a change. Im hoping my change will come as in moving to Atlanta. I took the information well, but i think the other changes that are about to come down the pipeline are going to be UGLY!!! Oh well im going to do the best i can so i can get a good reference so i can get up out of florida. At any rate found an apartment so i plan to move in by the end of june, and then spend july at home 3 weeks maybe. hmm many things...oh yeah i had a moment of zen and i have decided that I am going to say something to my school crush. To get you updated last year i was given some information about my school crush, he likes me, went to a certain event to see me blah blah blah. i find all this out the last day of i act on that information and send him a letter telling him about how i to liked him, and gave him contact information blah blah blah...he never acted on it. Start of this school year still dont hear anything. So in the letter i said if i dont hear from you then maybe you aren't interested or whatever. But the curiosity in me has to know...what the duece. Did you get the letter? Did you read it? Why didnt you respond? Was i given bad information? What I have to know. My punkass meter is screaming at me for not finding this out sooner, so i cant go another minute not knowing. So on tuesday im just going to go for gold...the worst he can do is look at me crazy and then run i must know. I hope i dont chicken out. I get so nervous when it comes to guys and speaking for myself so hopefully i can do this. will keep you updated
Later Days

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