Sunday, January 4, 2009

Moving On

one of the hardest things to do is move on...sometimes when u think that everything is going well or atleast in your favor life has a funny way of bringing it back to perspective. now some people will read this and be like what is she talking about...but its my blog and as long as i know what im talking about dont really care about people think.

well 2009 has started and well not sure how i feel about it yet. i encouraged a "friend' to get back in contact with his first love, and he did and they are back together or whatever i dont know. i truly am happy for him because we had this whole long discussion about how he would never be able to move on until he resolved his feelings for her blah blah blah. so being the good friend that i am i told him he needed to do that. now most of you are probably screaming right now what the "beep" "beep are u crazy" who does shit like that right. and as im saying these things my brain is like this is so not me talking. it was my heart...i know but KARMA!!! i would hope that if i was in a situation like that someone would encourage me to see what could happen instead of being selfish. so at any rate we were supposed to meet up for MLK wknd which btw is the same weekend we meet back in 2005....4yrs but now the bad side of me is like so what yall not together together we can meet up and you know have closure fun. but the good side is like its time to move on wish them the best of luck and keep it moving. but like i said moving on is hard...i feel like im losing a friend...even though he says we can still wont be the same. definately can't have all the sex talk and stuff, not because he said we have to stop but because Karma once again. when i should find that one if he had someone in his life who he was "friends" with and they still were in contact i would hope the conversation would not be the same as it was before i came in the picture. what to do what to bff would be like eff that "n" word he's this he's that, but i know he's not so listening to her would be pointless. my brain mr. logical is saying cut ya losses it was fun while it lasted. my heart is saying whatever happens happens. now before you read more into that...let me explain...whatever happens happens means that if we talk from now until the end of time then great if he stops talking to me tomorrow then that's fine also. i will be sad like i am now, but the bible says there is a season for everything and it will just mean that our season is over. enough of this sappy shit no matter what always remember the....the shit you want to remember really. they are your memories so who is to tell you whether they were good or bad.

on another note about moving on i will not put up with other people drama this year. i have my own drama and dammit i dont need yours also. keep that shit to yourself and work it out...i have to.
another random thought page by

since ive wrote this...which was like hours ago...i decided not to see him one last time and end it over the phone thru text. not as harsh at it sounds because that's our main source of communication, but its what's best. MOVING ON in 09...hard but you know what you end up being a better person because of it....i hope or that would suck on my go shed a tear to the end of frienship :(

1 comment:

Pres-tone said...

If you are going to be logging in then you need to post. I want something juicy from you!