Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New Year New Life Same Bullshyt

so i havnt bloggedin over a year and a lot has happened so to do a quick update. i moved to atlanta in july 2010 and i curently teach 4th grade. i am currently in school working on another degree for communication disorders so i can get out of the classroom. so the real reason im blogging right now is because i cant sleep due to the frustration i feel about my job. i currenty work at a charter school which a doesnt pay b the hours suck and c i cant in all honesty believe that some people in administration have ever taught. oh and let me ot forget that we may not have a school next year because we were ruled unconstitutional. but back to in house so the principal of my school is more concerned with appeasing parents then making sure the staff is happy. it boggles my mind that you didnt even bother to learn your staffs names. then the discipline at this school is beyond reproach. the kids pretty much run the school. you pretty much have to kill someone or yourself to get one day of suspension. we were all sold on this dream that we were there to educate and behaviors would be taken care of elsewhere...lies. people are now being punised for calling for help or doling out there own punishment. oh and you cant even call a parent without documenting it on a certain sheet in a certain room. its all extra and unecessary and it flat out doesnt work. i dont have time to wait for coverage or a free period and then call the parent blah blah blah....i need the behavior to stop now so if i call now the behavior stops now, plus i thought the goal was to keep them in class. oh well im just a lowly worker. lets talk about how we dont have subs. what???? yeah you heard me right so if a teacher calls in or even has a planned day out there is a very good chance that there will be no sub for that teacher. so that means now we have these stupid subbing periods built into our schedule to cover. i found it amazing that we have had a sub shortage but in the last month they were able to hire 2 long term subs for people who quit. oh and let me get to people who have quit or been fired. i think i can count on 3 maybe four hands the number of people who have quit due to the fact that the working conditions are ridiculous. but again its never the people at the top. dont get me wrong the staff at the school are awesome only reason i can keep my sanity but its all these little nuances that make woking there slightly unbearable. my final issue is with committee work. can someone please explain to me what is the point of having a committee if a you already have your own idea of what you want to do and b you dont get back to people in a timely manner if at all. micromanging is a huge pet peeve of mine. if you already know what you want dont waste peoples time with making them do work you know your not gonna approve just say what you want from the beginning and stop wasting peoples time. well thats all i may have a report about what happens later on today...should be interesting

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