Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hawt for the holidays pt2

I havnt felt well since friday...H1N1 maybe but I doubt it. Anywho well last week during our challenge I lost 2.2 lbs woo hoo. go me. Lets hope that with better eating habits this week I can get some bigger numbers. I will be starting the scarsdale diet this week for more info click this link All the info you need is on there it feels like something I think I can and will do. I hope to get into the gym...and it just hit me while i was lying in bed that days that I cant go to the "gym" that I have a gym in my complex so really there is no reason why im not working out. I guess im all out of excuses except I dont feel well which sucks. On a side note I did get into my wellness class that starts this thursday so hopefully I will get some good info to help me stay focused. Well im going back to the bed and lay down head is starting to spin...:(

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