Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hawt for the holidays pt2

I havnt felt well since friday...H1N1 maybe but I doubt it. Anywho well last week during our challenge I lost 2.2 lbs woo hoo. go me. Lets hope that with better eating habits this week I can get some bigger numbers. I will be starting the scarsdale diet this week for more info click this link All the info you need is on there it feels like something I think I can and will do. I hope to get into the gym...and it just hit me while i was lying in bed that days that I cant go to the "gym" that I have a gym in my complex so really there is no reason why im not working out. I guess im all out of excuses except I dont feel well which sucks. On a side note I did get into my wellness class that starts this thursday so hopefully I will get some good info to help me stay focused. Well im going back to the bed and lay down head is starting to spin...:(

Sunday, September 13, 2009


So my last posts have been a lil sad or down in dumps so these posts will be a lil more up and fun. As my title suggests Im planning on getting Hawt for the Holidays. The first thing I plan on doing is actually starting running. WHAAAAAAAAT this coming from the girl who believes that running should only occur if your being chased by a dog or the Anywho I found this running program called couch to 5k. You can find more information on I even found music that goes along with the program. We start tomorrow. I wanted to start running outside but its too hot and the rain is very unpredictable right now so its back to the gym. Might as well I'm paying for it. We have also started Biggest Loser at can't slack on that. Plus I have been playing this stoopid weight game for 2 long...almost 2 years. I believe that my weight is hindering me from moving on in a lot of aspects in my life. So with that being said I will keep you posted on how things are going.