Sunday, July 26, 2009

I am not my hair

Clearly im not check out the video which truly is very limiting to the multitude of hairstyles I have had.... oh stop the music on this page because the video will open in a new window with its on music!!!

View this montage created at One True Media
Oh the hair!!!

Getting it together

Well I havnt blogged in almost 8m...things have changed a lil bit. Let's see the friend I thought I lost learned that people change in 10years. I tried living with someone...OMG bad move on my part. I have an other but he's temporary until I find another I know wrong but true. Oh my bff was supposed to get married in May, but she's still single. Lastly I decided that I needed to get out of debt.

While working Summer Enrichment Camp we had to share what was on our nightstand. One person showed the book Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. It perked my interest but I didnt get the book. I put it off and didnt purchase the book until sometime early July. I read the book in 1.5days. It had so many OMG moments but everything seemed doable. First and foremost I needed a budget. Btw I have had many budgets however never followed any of them. So I needed to make a budget and stick to it. The other thing was I needed envelopes. The envelopes are labeled for all the things you could pay cash for i.e. gas, groceries,clothing etc. However before I go any further another reason I wanted to get on a budget was I was tracking my spending however I was out of Mutha trucking control during the 4th of July....I spent an astronomic amount of money. I making a budget is hard as hell OMG. I cried, I cussed, I gave up, I cried some more, but through it all I have made it. I now wish I only got paid once a month but maybe not so I shut my hole. All in all everything is going for the better. I currently have out of debt date so hopefully I can change that date to sooner than later. I will keep you all posted as this process goes along.

Oh before I go if you 2 need a plan to get out of debt save that 25 dollars you would spend on eating out and head over to Borders/Barnes and Noble and pick up the Total Money Makeover...I promise will want to be gazelle like...and remember LIVE LIKE NO ONE ELSE SO LATER YOU CAN LIVE LIKE NO ONE ELSE...GET THE BOOK!!!!